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Islam in the Bible by Thomas McElwain

Islam in the Bible by Thomas McElwain
Islam in the Bible by Thomas McElwain


Title: ISLAM IN THE BIBLE | ISBN: - | Author: Thomas McElwain | language : English | Publisher: Adams & McElwain Publishers | Year: 1998 | Pages: 186 | file: pdf

Islam in the Bible


Not only Judaism in its several varieties, but hundreds of different sects of Christianity all maintain that their beliefs and practices are based on the Bible. If so many different religions can be justified by the Bible, why not Islam?

Most of Christianity recognizes the authority of the Bible, containing the Hebrew and Greek writings. There is some discussion of what writings to include and to what degree they are authoritative, but in principle Christians recognize the Bible. All forms of Judaism recognize the Torah and the other writings of the Tanach, which makes up the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Islam appeals primarily to the Holy Qur'an, but in principle accepts the Bible. In practice, Muslims reject the Bible on the assump­tion that it is corrupted from the original in order to make it accommodate to Christian teaching.

The problem arises when we compare the beliefs and practices of any particular religious group with the book it appeals to. Inevitably there is much selectivity and interpre­tation, but beyond this remains the bare fact that the book is never the sole source of belief and practice. Where would the Christian year of festivals, the liturgy and a multitude of beliefs and practices be if all had to be founded on the Bible? Many of them would sadly fall by the wayside.

The decoupling of books from actual belief and practice first struck me a few years ago when I noticed how the books relate to the day of worship. The Hebrew Scriptures obviously maintain the observance of the Sabbath or seventh day of the week. Jewish tradition quite consistently puts this in practice. The observance of Sunday is characteristic of Christianity. But there is very little justification for this in the Greek Scriptures, the so-called New Testament.

On the contrary, the Sabbath is men­tioned very often, sometimes quite favorably. I looked in the Qur'an to see how it dealt with the issue, and found that the Sabbath is maintained on a half-dozen occasions in the Qur'an as well. Friday prayer is also well established in the Qur'an, unlike Sunday in the New Testament, which can only be defended by doing violence to the text. But there is no Qur'anic justification for observing Friday as a special day from Thursday evening, as many Muslims do. We thus find the Sabbath to be a feature common to all of the sacred books. By contrast, the traditions vary on how they relate to the Sabbath, Judaism observing Saturday, Christianity Sunday, and Islam Friday.

Salah Ad-Deen Al-Ayubi (3 Volumes)

salah-ad-deen-al-ayubi-3-volumes |  Dr. Ali M. Sallabi



Title: Salah ad Deen Al Ayubi |  Author : Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Sallabi  |  Language : English  | Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House  |  Translator : Nasiruddin al-Khattab  | Year: 2009  | Pages: Vol. 1 (277), Vol. 2 (471), Vol. 3 (261) | file: pdf

Salah ad Deen Al Ayubi


As a soldier, a ruler, and a human being, Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi was a person of phenomenal attributes. The hero of hundreds of battles was the person who for 20 years braved the storm of the Crusaders and ultimately pushed them back. The world has hardly witnessed a more chivalrous and humane conqueror. His unmatchable battle tactics and gallantry as a soldier, heroic statesmanship and his strength of character won him the respect of even his foes. known for liberating the holy city of Jerusalem from the Crusaders.

The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. Ali M. Sallabi has written a fascinating biography of a man who looms larger than life throughout history, yet who remains largely unknown to people outside of the Arab world.

Dr. Sallabi’s meticulous research has effectively filled that gap in our knowledge. His work is more than just a biography, as the readers will see. 
     As history repeat itself? A saying of 'Umar, the first liberator of Jerusalem, suggests that it does. He said that the latter generations of this Ummah would not prevail except by means of that by which its first generations prevailed.
    If we try to prevail by any means other than Islam, Allah will cause us to suffer only more humility and defeat. The Companions and the early generations of Islam prevailed by means of Islam. At a time of decline, Salah ad-Deen understood that this was the way to restore the glory of this nation.

    In this book, Dr. Sallabi discusses the conflict of civilizations between the Crusaders and Islam. He discusses the Crusades; the moral standards, ethics and character of Salah ad-Deen, and his support of the revival movement that was aimed to bringing Muslims back to the true path of Islam by establishing many schools; and how he held the scholars in high esteem and included them in his inner circle. He devotes an entire chapter to the battle of Hatteen and the liberation of Jerusalem, and the causes of victory in that decisive battle.
    He goes on to discuss the Third Crusade and the reaction of Western Europe to the liberation of Jerusalem and the general mobilization that took place in Christendom. Finally, he describes the death of Salah ad-Deen, how the people were affected by it and how even European historians praised his justice, strength and tolerance, and regarded him as the greatest character of the Crusade era. His life still inspires the Muslims with his heroic character and exploits which will bring back to life the glories of the past.

    It is important for anyone who wants to gain an historical perspective on present-day events to read this book and understand the life and times of Salah ad-Deen.

Atlas of The Qur'an

Atlas of The Qur'an

Title: Atlas of The Qur'an | ISBN: 9960897540 | ISBN13: 9789960897547 | Author: Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil | Language : 
English & Arabic | Publisher: Dar-us-Salam for Publishing & Distribution | Year:  October 1st 2003 (first published January 1st 2003) | Pages: 390 (English) & 333 (Arabic) | file: pdf
Atlas of The Qur'an


An Authentic Collection of the Qur'anic Information with Maps, Tables and Pictures

This Atlas is new in its subject, a subject that has not been touched before. It helps whoever recites the Qur'an or studies it to specify the locations mentioned by the Noble Verses, and to mark those places of ancient people mentioned in the Qur'an. This is besides locating areas where the incidents of the prophetic Seerah occurred. Eventually the diligent reader will easily recognize those places, learn about them, and take heed of them while reciting.

Eventually the diligent reader will easily recognize those places, learn about them, and take heed of them while reciting. The Atlas has also revealed obscure places we used to pass through inattentively, like the site where Nuh's Ark settled, the site of the curved Sand-hills {Al Ahqah}, the cave of the young faithful men, the houses of median, the site of Sodom and other places determined by the Atlas depending on reliable sources.

Thus the Atlas eliminates all the guessing and the fantasies we used to encounter when reciting the Noble Quran, and takes us to the specific place.

Arabic For Dummies

Arabic For Dummies

Title: Arabic For Dummies | ISBN: 978-1-118-05278-5 | Author: Amine Bouchentouf | Publisher: WILEY | Year: May 2011 | Pages: 384 | file: pdf
Arabic For Dummies


Regarded as one of the most difficult languages to learn for native English speakers by the U.S. State Department, Arabic is gaining both prominence and importance in America. Recent world events have brought more and more Americans and other English speakers into contact with Arabic-speaking populations, and governments and businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of basic Arabic language skills. Arabic for Dummies provides you with a painless and fun way to start communicating in Arabic. Why should you learn Arabic? Well, besides the fact that over 200 million people in more than 22 nations use it to communicate, there are tons of reasons to get up to speed this 1,400 year old language, including:
  • Nearly all of the Middle-East speaks Arabic or one of its dialects
  • Basic Arabic skills are extremely useful for anyone traveling to, doing business in, or serving in the Middle East
  • It is the language in which the Koran is written
  • There is a rich, centuries-old literary tradition in Arabic
Arabic For Dummies presents the language in the classic, laid-back For Dummies style. Taking a relaxed approach to this difficult language, it’s packed with practice dialogues and communication tips that will have you talking the talk in no time. You’ll get the scoop on:
  • The Arabic alphabet, pronunciation, basic grammar, and the rules of transliteration
  • The history of the language and information on classical Arabic and its dialects
  • How to make small talk and make yourself understood when dining, shopping, or traveling around town
  • How to communicate on the phone and in business conversations
  • Handy words and phrases for dealing with money, directions, hotels, transportation, and emergencies
  • Arabic culture and etiquette, including ten things you should never do in Arabic countries
The book also includes an Arabic-English dictionary, verb tables, and an audio CD with dialogues from the book to help you perfect your pronunciation. Written by a native Arabic speaker who helped start a year-round Arabic department at Middlebury College, Arabic For Dummies is just what you need to start making yourself understood in Arabic.

The Art of RF (Riba‐Free) Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community‐Based Banking, Second Edition

The Art of RF (Riba‐Free) Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community‐Based Banking, Second Edition

Title: THE ART OF RF (RIBA‐FREE) ISLAMIC BANKING AND FINANCE: TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR COMMUNITY‐BASED BANKING, SECOND EDITION | Print ISBN:9781118770962 |Online ISBN:9781118792551 | DOI:10.1002/9781118792551 | Author: Yahia Abdul-Rahman | Publisher: WILEY | Year: November 21, 2014 | Pages: 545 | file: pdf 
The Art of RF (Riba‐Free) Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community‐Based Banking, Second Edition

About this book

Updated and expanded insights into Islamic banking and finance From Yahia Abdul-Rahman-the father of Riba-Free (RF) banking-comes the expanded edition of the definitive resource that offers an understanding for applying Islamic banking and financial practices. No matter what your faith or religious beliefs, the book shows how to take a modern American approach to incorporating Islamic financial principles into banking and investment techniques.
The Art of RF (Riba-Free) Islamic Banking and Finance describes the emergence of a culture of Islamic banking and finance today, which is based on the real Judeo-Christian-Islamic spirit and has proven very effective when compared to 20th century models that use financial engineering and structural techniques to circumvent the Shari'aa Law. The author also reveals information about how fiat money is created, the role of the Federal Reserve, and the US banking system. Abdul-Rahman includes a wealth of real-life examples and offers an analysis of how this new brand of banking and financing yields superior results.
  • Offers the fundamentals on Riba-Free (RF) banking
  • Shows how to apply RF to everything from joint ventures and portfolio management to home mortgages and personal finance
  • Reveals what it takes to incorporate Shariah Law into US financial systems
  • Includes information on why RF banking is a socially responsible way to invest
Thoroughly revised and updated, this resource offers a handbook for applying Shari'aa law to American banking and finance.

The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community-Based Banking

The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community-Based Banking 1st Edition

The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community-Based Banking

Title: THE ART OF ISLAMIC FINANCE AND BANKING : TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR COMMUNITY-BASED BANKING | ISBN: 978-0-470-57263-4 | Author: Yahia Abdul-Rahman | Publisher: WILEY | Year: Dec 2009 | Pages: 432 | file: pdf
The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community-Based Banking 1st Edition


A detailed look at the fast-growing field of Islamic banking and finance
The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance is a modern American take on what it means to incorporate Islamic finance principles into everyday banking and investment techniques by introducing a new brand of banking for all people of all faiths: The Riba-Free (RF) banking.
The author is considered the father of RF (Islamic) banking in America. He has been a banker and an Imam/scholar for over 40 years in America since 1968. He started the tedious process with a finance company, LARIBA, in Pasadena, California in 1987. This is the first book ever in the field to trace the origins of prohibiting the renting of money at a price called interest rate and over-indulging in debt. The book reviews in great details the theological foundations of prohibiting interest in the Jewish Bible, the Christian Bible, and the Qur'aan. The author then discusses money and how fiat money is created, the role of the Federal Reserve, and the banking system in America. The book also discusses for the first time ever how to include an important aspect of RF (Islamic) finance using commodity indexation and marking the items to be financed to market in order to avoid participating in economic "bubbles." The author discusses how these rules work, how they affect consumer behavior, and how they change the role of the banker/financier.
  • Covers a new pioneering model that is based on the Law (Shari'aa) and how it is applied in every transaction from joint ventures and portfolio management to home mortgages and personal financing
  • Shows how to incorporate the Law (Shari'aa) into American financing and banking systems
  • Points to RF (Islamic) finance and banking as a way to emphasize socially responsible investing
The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance also includes a discussion on the emergence of a culture of RF (Islamic) banking and finance today, which is based on the real Judeo-Christian-Islamic spirit and very effective when compared to twentieth-century models that use financial engineering and structuring techniques to circumvent the Law (Shari'aa). The book also includes case studies based on the actual experience of the author and detailed analysis of the superior results realized by applying this new brand of banking to financing.


Title: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD | ISBN: 0674013859 | Author: Malise Ruthven, Azim Nanji | Publisher: Harvard University Press | Year: May 28, 2004 | Pages: 208 | Historical Atlas of the Islamic World eBook version Published by Cartographica | ISBN 13: 9780955006616 | ISBN 10: 0955006619 | file: pdf

Among the great civilizations of the world, Islam remains an enigma to Western readers. Now, in a beautifully illustrated historical atlas, noted scholar of religion Malise Ruthven recounts the fascinating and important history of the Islamic world.

From the birth of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to the independence of post-Soviet Muslim states in Central Asia, this accessible and informative atlas explains the historical evolution of Islamic societies. Short essays cover a wide variety of themes, including the central roles played by sharia (divine law) and fiqh (jurisprudence); philosophy; arts and architecture; the Muslim city; trade, commerce, and manufacturing; marriage and family life; tribal distributions; kinship and dynastic power; ritual and devotional practices; Sufism; modernist and reformist trends; the European domination of the Islamic world; the rise of the modern national state; oil exports and arms imports; and Muslim populations in non-Muslim countries, including the United States.

1001 Inventions Muslim Heritage in Our World 2nd edition

Title: 1001 Inventions Muslim Heritage in Our World 2nd edition | Chief Editor: Al-Hassani, Salim T S. | Islamic Science History | Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation | year: 2007 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9552426-1-8 | Page: 366 | file: djvu

1001 Inventions uncovers a thousand years of scientific and cultural achievements from Muslim Civilisation from the 7th century onwards, and how those contributions helped create the foundations of our modern world.

This fascinating book as a significant contribution to a wider understanding of science and technology within Muslim civilization, and of our debt in modern societies to this particular tradition. Within any particular culture, such as the western and Anglo-centric tradition, it is all too easy to forget or downpay the complex history of the development of scientific ideas and technological inventions. Science and technology, in some shape or form, exists, and develops within all types of societies and in the context of all shades of religious belief. Ultimately, it matters not exactly by whom, exactly when, a particular discovery or invention was made.


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